Spring & Summer at ZEAL

Spring & Summer at ZEAL

My integration back to work

I want to start this email with a quote—by me—oh, five weeks postpartum:

“I'm almost feeling up to throwing my own pots during some of his nap times, so you'll see my return to Instagram stories and reels in the near future.”

Ha. Haha. Well, that most certainly did not happen! I haven’t made a single pot in over six months.

June plans

Rowan starts a slow entry into daycare on June 3. By slow, I mean 9 am—12 pm the first week, then increasing. I've been soaking up moments with him, and there will be plenty of time to work once he's hanging with his itty bitty new friends.

Parental leave isn’t glamorous financially, so I’m putting all last year’s work on sale once my website re-launches. Now that the studio is officially in the outbuilding, I have to make room for new pieces. Stay tuned for a discount code.

Pottery: In June, I'll reserve Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for wheel lessons. All three wheels will run simultaneously, and spots will be open to the public. I will also host a few hand-building workshops on Saturdays or Sundays (think paint palettes and vases).

Photography: I'll organize one day of mini-sessions at a local park, and I can book full photoshoots Monday to Friday mornings by request. 

Marketing: I'll accept one or two more business clients to assist with digital or traditional marketing, research, branding, content creation (copywriting, video, or photo), web development, event marketing, and/or community management. Details will be added to my website soon. 

Summer plans

Our Big Hairy, Audacious Goal (yes, BHAG, for anyone who worked at Lululemon) is to have the roof done this summer.

Pottery: I'll focus primarily on creating my work because, historically, July and August aren't busy months for teaching lessons since many people are soaking up the sun! My equipment will also be moved around, covered and uncovered during construction.

Photography: My schedule will be open for opportunities off-site! I have a portable backdrop and lighting for a studio look, or I can shoot with natural light in your home or elsewhere.

Marketing: My books may be open for a few more clients!

The biggest reason behind this approach

I applied to ONE local, full-time job because, as rad as being an entrepreneur is, I would love a stable income during this season of life. It would be nice to make upgrades to the studio faster (e.g., windows for direct sunlight and insulation for winter), purchase new lenses and a second camera body to confidently shoot weddings (knowing I have two SD card slots), and more.

Guess what? I have an interview at the end of May! June is set with public offerings held in the evenings once Rowan is in bed and on weekends; if I get the job, nothing will need to be shifted around. If I don't get the job, ZEAL full-time is the immediate plan, and I'll have no choice but to succeed! Both options make me feel optimistic, and I'll keep you posted.

With zeal,

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